Microsoft Project Issue Solved: Sorry, we were unable to open your project. Please try again.

PPM Works receives a lot of support emails around not being able to open a project from Project Center into Project Pro. If you have ever seen either of the following pop-ups, please follow the steps to resolve.

MS Project 2016 - Sorry, we were unable to open your project.

Could note retreive Enterprise global template

You will need to delete your stored Windows credentials.

Mine are located under Control Panel.

  1. Close all of your open Office Apps
  2. Please click on the Windows icon and type in Credentials
  3. Select Windows Credentials
  4. You need to delete all credentials starting with “MicrosoftOffice16_Data:ADAL


  1. Click on the account to expand the details.
  2. Click Remove.


  1. Click Yes when prompted.


  1. Repeat for each account listed starting with MicrosoftOffice16_Data:ADAL
  2. Reopen Project Online and open your project into Project Pro again.

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