Delete Resources and Users in Project Server 2013

Delete Resources and Users in Project Server 2013 When a resource or user is no longer needed, you can delete it from Project Web App. It is recommended not deleting resources from Project Web App as this can affect the reporting of actuals. Instead, deactivate resources that [...]

Project Server Workflow Failing To Start

Project Server Workflow Failing To Start Recently we came across an issue where the Projects were not getting created as Project Server workflow failing to start. We were getting below error in the Project Server queue while creating new Project. Error: ========================== WorkflowExceptionStartingWorkflow (35115). Details: id='35115' name='WorkflowExceptionStartingWorkflow' [...]

Project Created from PWA Shows Different Duration than What is Specified in Template

Project Created from PWA Shows Different Duration than What is Specified in Template Recently we encountered an issue with creating Project from PWA using template. Project Created from PWA shows different duration than what is specified in template. Upon further investigation we found that issue occurs only [...]