RBS in Project Server/Project Online
The Resource Breakdown Structure (RBS) is a hierarchical security structure which is typically based on the management reporting structure of your organization, although it can also be structured in other ways.
The RBS can be an important element in your Project Web App security model when it is used to define the reporting relationships among users and projects in your organization.
When you specify the value for each Project Web App user, you can take advantage of the dynamic security options that can be defined for each security category.
The RBS structure is defined by adding values to the RBS custom lookup table that is built in to Project Web App. Once you define the structure, you can assign values to individual users by setting the property in the user’s account settings page.
Once configured, Categories can use RBS codes to dynamically determine which projects and resources particular users can view or access.
An Example of a very simple RBS:
- Executive
- Program Managers
- Project Managers
- Team Members
- Project Managers
- Program Managers
You can match your security to an Org chart level, but implement it to be generic, to allow modifications.
Not every client needs an RBS security, and should be identified in Requirements.
For helpful information on RBS: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc197354.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396#section5
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