Hiding Confidential Projects in Microsoft Project

Here’s a high level summary on hiding confidential projects in Project Server / Online.

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First, verify your Project Server / Online environment is configured for Project Permission Mode.

Second, configure what’s called a Resource Breakdown Structure (RBS):

When configuring RBS, add a RBS value for Confidential Projects.
Hiding Confidential Projects

Third, assuming you are using the default security configuration, on the My Organization Security Category, toggle to Only include the selected projects, and check the four boxes below.
Hiding Confidential Projects

Forth, create a new confidential account for the purpose of owning Confidential Projects, assign the confidential account to the “Confidential Projects” RBS.
Hiding Confidential Projects

On all confidential projects, set confidential account as the Owner.
basic info

To grant permissions to confidential projects, connect with the confidential account and add users to the project team or use the Project Permissions ribbon button.
project permissions