Working Around the “The format of the clipboard data is not recognized” Error When Copying Into SharePoint Lists

Howdy, Campers! Today I was working on migrating some OData from Project into a SharePoint list, to allow a client to bulk edit certain project information and still have it connected to the Project record. Although some rows succeeded in copying, I then got to a point where, no matter how carefully (or how few rows) I copied, I would get “The format of the clipboard data is not recognized”. I checked all data carefully, and saw nothing wrong.  Copying cell by cell, I found the culprits:  multi-line text fields. Further investigation revealed that these cells included non printable characters, such as when users had put in carriage returns (Alt Enter in Excel). I needed to eliminate these characters, so I duplicated each column and used the “Clean” function in Excel: =Clean(A2).

You can learn more about the Clean function here: CLEAN function – Office Support (

After duplicating the columns, checking they aligned, I then hid the original columns and pasted the data from these new, scrubbed columns into SharePoint.  As soon as I did this, the rows copied to SharePoint without issue. 

Note that I still recommend copying no more than 50 or so rows at once directly into Datasheet.  For anything more than that, Access is recommended.

Best of luck! Reach out to with any questions or comments!