PPM Works, Inc. Presents at Project Summit 2013
We were delighted to panel and present at the Project Summit 2013 in Boston this week October 22nd-23rd. Our sessions included:
- Leveraging the Role of your PMO. What is the Right Formula?
- BA / PM in a candy store: Which Project 2013 offering is right for you?
In the Leveraging the Role of your PMO. What is the Right Formula? session, Jacques Goupil of PPM Works, Inc. along with two other world-class speakers, Barbara Karten of PMI Mass Bay, and Gail Raynus shared their experience, views, and ideas on PMO topics
Description:    Some people would suggest that there are hundreds if not thousands of variations on the PMO theme and so many different approaches. What is the right formula for your organization?  What are the lessons learned from those that have built them and used them well? How do we best implement a PMO and best leverage its existence?
Some interesting take-ways include: Strategy – strategy – strategy. For years, PMO discussions ‘focused on the details’, process, training, etc. Today’s discussion brought up key points that made the audience think.
Naming: Should we use PMO or EPMO or even some other name? The group discussed this and the outcome was – does it really matter what we call it? As long as the entity 1) has Executive Sponsor 2) has a defined strategy/objective and 3) has measurable goals.
Funding: Which organization should the PMO sit under? How about under Operations or Marketing, yes…Marketing? After all Sales/Marketing or New Product Development have all the money.
Expectations: Set up the rules ‘before it gets personal.’ Meaning you need to set expectations up front and get everyone’s buy-in before it comes time where we need to make a decision on right/wrong, continue with project or cancel it, or improve the process.
Over all thoughts: This was a great session with audience participation that attendees asked specific PMO generation questions and received guidance (through discussion and recommendations of the panel – and the audience). Thanks to all who participated.
Contact us for any follow-up or questions.
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