Microsoft Project for the web New Features
Choice Custom Fields: Quickly choose from multiple pre set options with custom fields
Filter by Progress States: Filter projects to see completed, in progress and not started tasks.
Filter on the Board & Timeline: Quickly find your tasks by filtering your tasks by keyword or assignee on Board & Timeline.
Import from Project desktop: Users can import .mpp files from Project desktop to Project for the web. Watch our Import a Microsoft Project MPP File into Project for the Web Video here
Project Power BI Template App: The Project Power BI Template App is available from Power BI or on App Source
Copy link to task improvements: When you copy a link to your task, the link will be shown with the task name as the URL.
Upcoming Features
Assign tasks to non-group members: Assign tasks to add anyone in your organization to your project automatically.
Rollup Custom Fields: Add summary, max, average or minimum calculations to your numeric custom fields. See the rollup value of all your subtasks in your summary task field.