Where is the Calculate From Option if Using Resource Engagements?
One of the first things I noticed when we activated the New Resource Engagement Planning capabilities is the Calculate from field is not in the Details table in the capacity views in Resource Center. It was also not in the Resource Plan view. I assumed it was no longer an option.
Previously, when creating Resource Plans Project Managers had the choice to calculate resource utilization from the project plan if resources were loaded and had task assignments, or at a high level using resource plans, or a combination of the two.
Microsoft did not remove the option they just moved where it is located. Notice the Calculate Resource Utilization from drop down on the Project Information dialog box.
Project Managers can calculate from the Project Plan, Resource Engagements, or the Project Plan until a specified date.
Hoping you found this useful! Check back regularly for additional updates on changes to Project/Project Online. Please Contact us with any questions.
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