Creating Rules to Approve Task Updates in Project Web App

Creating Rules to Approve Task Updates in Project Web App As a trainer for PPM Works am I often asked about creating rules so Project Managers do not have to approve task updates. As a Project Manager that manages fixed work tasks in projects, the thought of [...]

Whats New in Project Server 2016 and Project Online

What's New in Project Server 2016 and Project Online Are you thinking of using Project Server 2016 and Project Online or have you started and you want to learn more about these robust tools? If so, join our upcoming webcast to learn the latest updates and features. [...]

Understanding Timesheet Approvals

Understanding Timesheet Approvals One of our customers recently asked PPM Works why the Timesheet Managers were seeing admin tasks listed separately in the Timesheet approvals and why they had to first approve the administrative time before seeing the timesheet in the approvals page. The answer lies [...]

Creating a New Calendar and Assigning it to a Task

Creating a New Calendar and Assigning it to a Task To create a new base calendar to be used in your project, you will need to be an Administrator in PPM or ask your Administrator to create a new calendar. For this example we will create a [...]